Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Working Mom: Swine Flu

Swine Flu. So apparently it's threatening to be a pandemic. Dozens of cases already in the states, nothing yet in Colorado. But when I talked to the El Paso County Health Department tonight that's exactly what Susan Wheelan said, "Not yet. Not if, but when."


So my husband, Jared, called in a panic tonight because our 14 month old has a 104 degree fever. And what do I do? I think about Swine Flu.

As I have transitioned in this career from being a young working professional to a working mom, the way I look at news and how it affects me has changed as well. With a three year old and small baby at home stories impact me differently, and this one is no different. Before, news had a "distant" impact on me. I recognized, and sympathized with victims, but never empathized. Now, I can put myself in the shoes of parents who have lost a child... scared to death it will some day happen to me. Now, when an illness poses a risk to our community I pray, "Please, not us!" Now, when a crime happens near my home, when natural disaster strikes, when a car accident takes a life I wonder with fear, "What if that happens to me?"

On the reverse side, the education and information I receive in this job gives me the proper perspective. The swine flu may threaten to reach pandemic levels, but I know how to protect my family. I know most crimes aren't random. I know how to safely install a car-seat.

I suppose that is just one reason I love what I do. Being well informed, though it comes with it's downfalls, definitely comes with it's benefits.

Friends and family are always saying that I'm full of useless information. I would argue I'm well informed.


Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

Great post, Kat! I always enjoy reading about your perspective on things. Keep writing!!!

Chelle said...

I'll back you up on the well informed thing. :) PS- way cute pic of Ella.