Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No, I did not eat that...

I have just submitted this video to America's Funniest Home Videos. Chances are the content is a bit to risky for a family show on Sunday evening. But hey, if you don't play you'll never win. Enjoy the video.


Janiel said...

that's funny! You'll have to tell me how you got a video on your blog. I have yet to figure that one out. Ella is so cute!

Jared said...

PEPPERONI... she was trying to say pepperoni!!!

Janiel said...

I thought she was saying "peanuts".

Anonymous said...

oh my! She's just like her daddy!

Weston and Becky said...

It's just like you Jared to take something so innocent and blow it out of proportion :), okay I have to admit that's pretty dang (because I'm from Utah) funny.

Scott and Brittany said...

You have the custest family ever!! That clip was pretty cute too. Hope you're doing well. Love ya!
-Brittany & Scott