Monday, June 29, 2009

When good DESKS go bad

Abby was playing with some stuff this afternoon and all was going well until all of the sudden I heard Abby screaming from the office. I ran to see what the problem was and Abby had an unswollen ear that wasn't dripping blood anywhere. As I was taking care of her , I was asking Abby what happened. She was crying and holding her ear. I'm not sure what caused the incident, but it didn't end well for poor Abby.

As you can see, Abby's ear is quite unswollen. I guess Jared's going to have to show her how to chop the desk up into kindling wood because that desk sure can pack a punch! LOL. My poor wife isn't going to understand what happened to our new desk. No worries though, it just means that Abby gets a free shot at Jacob for no good reason! hahahahaha LOL!!!! Just kidding!


Kansas Thornburghs said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I love it. & I love you.

bikebali said...

It’s so nice site. We love to see more on this site. Keep on updating… MonkAreRee Bali ***lkloikljkij

Kansas Thornburghs said...

I read this post once a day. I still get a good laugh from it. Kiss Abby's unswollen ear for me. Hahahaha