Friday, September 9, 2011

So Lucky...

So, I know everyone says they have the best parents in the world, but before you make your argument listen to mine.

Frank & Kuu. Aren't they a cute couple? Too this day, nearly 45 years of marriage, they still behave like newly weds. "Yuck," you are probably saying. But for me it is inspiration. I still hear my dad whisper to my mom in a sweet voice, "I love you." "You look pretty." "Give me a kiss." Mom still makes dad those yucky bologna sandwiches that he loves. She goes for rides in his bumpy truck. Their love is spoken and unspoken. I aspire to it with my own marriage. Sure, I'm only eight years in, but I know we'll make it because I have the best of examples.

But that's not the only thing that makes them so great. I don't want to brag or anything, but look at their kids! College educations (and more), temple marriages, careers, and seven terrific grand-kids with one more on the way! Sure, I would like to take credit for all that I've accomplished, but really it is mostly in part because of who showed me the way.

To top it all off, because there is so much I could tell you about them, one thing I know for sure: I can always count on them. The unspoken but understood love I feel from my father. The quiet and supporting advice from my mom when I least expect it. Digging me out of a "cave" so deep I thought I would never feel happiness again. Sticking by my side when I'm stupid. Loving me without the slightest bit or notion of judgement. Never playing favorites. Ask David, Gunda or Erica... they all know. We got lucky. Not sure if they picked us or we picked them in the pre-existence but I know that the four of us kids came out on top.

I love you mom and dad and can't say thank-you enough for all you have given me and done for me.


jksfam said...

What a nice tribute to your parents! :)

Lindsay said...

I love them, too. :)

Shannon Brinias said...

What a wonderful essay!