Monday, August 17, 2009

Borger Bound

It's official... we are moving to Texas. "Where in Texas," you ask. Borger, TX.
I can hear the foreheads wrinkling as I type. "Where is Borger?" Click on the link below.

Jared has accepted a job there. In fact... he has already moved there! Today was his first day. The girls and I will join him next month.
We are so excited to go for so many reasons. Number 1 being I get to be a stay-at-home mom. (We'll see how I adjust!)
We spent almost a week there during his interview process and fell in love with the community. Population 15,000 will be a big change from Colorado Springs, but the people in Borger are wonderful!
So wish us luck on this next adventure. It will be challenging, stressful, and daunting. But anywhere my family is I call home.

I attached a couple of photos we took on our road trip to Borger. (It is only 5 hours from Colorado Springs!) Jared had given Abbigail some chocolate. By the time Ella snitched it was too late! Abby was a mess. I love my girls!


Janiel said...

Too cute! Your gonna love living away from family as much (if not more) as living near family. And at least your a short car ride away from family. I'm still gonna miss my "Twilight" buddy! So, you better be coming back for Thanksgiving so we can go see New Moon in November. Miss you guys already! Best of luck!

jksfam said...

At least it's not Booger! I hope everything goes well with your move! Exciting adventures await!

The Barton Family said...

Wow that is big news! I hope it all goes well. Good luck!

Weston and Becky said...

Congratulations on the move! Let us know if we can do anything for ya.

Tamara and Marc said...

I hope the move and everything goes well for you. Have you sold you house? At least you are not to far of a drive from family. That is do able in a weekend. Good luck with the move. Send us your new address when you get it.

Katie said...

We are so excited for you, but will sure miss you guys!