First... Ella's shoes. I don't like buying the kid cheap shoes because they give her blisters and fall apart. So we spend the money to make sure our kid is well dressed. But for some reason... one half of each pair is disappearing. We've searched high and low, but the search continues. Who would want these? A Hogwarts house elf? Who knows. All I know is I have to go out this afternoon and drop more $$$ on shoes for this beautiful girl of mine, who unfortunately like me, loves shoes.

Next... my baby sling. I spent good money on this, used it once... and it magically disappeared. I have a good guess where it might have gone, but I don't like to accuse unless I have enough proof. The point is... I could really use it right now. Claire is at the point where she doesn't want to be put down and not much is getting accomplished around the house.

My Coach perfume, my favorite fragrance. Not cheap. It too has "magically" disappeared. Where do these things go? I keep it out of arms reach of my children, and hidden... so they couldn't have done it... but did they? Have I looked hard enough?

Worst of all... and I'm sorry I don't have the pictures of these next two things that mean the most to me.
Ella's kindergarten pictures have disappeared. They turned out so well, and she is so beautiful in them... I want her to be able to look back years from now and look at those pictures and remember just how much fun kindergarten was. Yes, I know can reorder. But where did they go? How do things just walk away? I don't want to blame it on my children because growing up I got a lot of that... "the kids did it." When in actuality it wasn't us (or me.)
Probably the most painful for me to think of is my wedding china. Exactly one year after we moved in to this house I went to look for it, and couldn't find it anywhere. The crystal was there.. but the china is nowhere to be found. Jared and I have searched everywhere. My parents have searched their home. I think of the thousands of dollars these dishes are worth, but my heart aches most when I think of their sentimental value. Wedding gifts, my china... that I wanted to have for decades to come... to someday give them to my daughters. Just writing about it I tear up. Jared says, "They'll turn up." But how? And where? We've looked everywhere!
Does this happen to everyone? Do things just go missing and never show up again? It seems to be happening to me all at once. Or am I just losing my mind? (Don't answer that!)
Anyhow... I send out this message to the cosmos of missing items... "Please, please, please return the things that are most precious to me."