I'm not old enough. She can't be old enough! My baby has finished kindergarten. Today was Ella's last day of kindergarten. She had a wonderful teacher... Mrs. Huebner. The class called her Mrs. H. Ella loves her, and I am amazed at how much Ella has learned from her. She is doing math, counting money, and writing stories. Every day she leaves me a little to read. Such a sweet heart...

She loves to learn... when she isn't at school she is finding new ways to keep learning. The best way she has found is making up songs and then writing down the lyrics. And if they aren't her original songs she is writing down the words to songs she hears on the radio. So smart...

And we are so proud... she is such a well behaved little girl at school. Her grades are strong, teachers love her and are always using her as the best example.

The entire kindergarten class put together a program called, "Going On a Picnic." The girls dressed as ladybugs, and the boys dressed as army ants. Ella knew every word of every song, and her choreography was right on cue. This kid is going to grow up to be a performer. She was the only girl who made her own costume for the program!

Probably what we love most about Ella is how protective she is of her little sisters. Of course she and Abbigail fight. Sisters do, but she is always the first to defend, protect and comfort Abbigail when something goes wrong. Just look at how the two cuddle up together like a couple of kittens in bed!

And her love for her baby sister, Claire, is adorable. She is always wanting to hug and kiss her youngest sister. Ella even has nightmares about Claire falling out of bed or down the stairs.

There isn't enough to say about this sweet girl. She is smart, beautiful, funny, kind, sweet, forgiving, compassionate and a true friend. My best friend. She loves to sing, dance, pretend. She is shy but loving. Sneaky but sincere. And always persistent. She is always so beautiful... we can't wait to see how much more beauty she brings to our lives.

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