Monday, February 1, 2010

Poor Jared


Okay, poor Jared. The before picture is basically what he has been seeing a lot of these days. I looked in the mirror this morning... really looked, and was a bit embarassed, even with nobody around.
When I worked full time I had reason to door my hair, get some makeup on... and put on some nice clothes. And I always thought as a stay-at-home mom I would have all the time in the world to get those things done. Wow, was I ever mistaken.
Being home all day is a blessing. The girls love it... and most days I do as well. But I ain't gonna lie... there are days when I wish I had something do to outside of the house. Today, as I looked in the mirror, was one of those days. That before picture is hideous. And granted, the after isn't model quality but it is definitely a step up.
So Jared, I don't promise to wear tight jeans and fitted blouses. (Remember, I am pregnant.) And I can't promise I'll be cooking dinner in heels. I'll likely have on some yoga pants and a comfy sweater. But in an effort to save this marriage, and before you get an actual glimpse of the "before" Kat... I vow to use a flat iron more often, and at least reach for some lip gloss.


Jared said...

I appreciate the effort but you truly are more beautiful each and evey day. And to clarify for anyone reading this... our marriage is not in trouble or risk of ending. said...

Welcome to being a stay-at-home mommy Kat! I look the same everyday too and there's nothing to be ashamed about, because kids keep you busy and some days make you lose your mind. :S

Lindsay said...

Ha! I was going to say the same thing as natesarah2! "Welcome to being a stay-at-home-mommy!"

I sit here reading this, at 2:50 in the hair in a pony-tail, no makeup, and a baggy sweatshirt. (In my defense, I do have 2 sick kids at home, so I knew I wouldn't even drive the van today...)

Thankfully our hubbies didn't marry us for our hair/makeup/fashion skills. :) I figure I'll have time for that later in life when I'm not spending all my time changing poopy bums and getting spit up on/spilled on all the time!

Marci said...

Kat - all of us stay-at-home-moms understand! You look great! I'm glad that you're enjoying your new, different stage of life. Being a stay-at -home mom is a huge adjustment. I remember I cried when I had Andrew and stopped working. I just longed to talk to another adult. Now that I've have four kids I don't even know how to talk to adults! But it's worth it!

Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

The 'before' and the 'after' are both beautiful because you are YOU.