Sunday, February 21, 2010


When mommy and daddy aren't looking Ella and Abbigail can actually be pretty good friends. Typically they find a way to get themselves in to trouble. Ie: playing with moms make-up, painting their nails on my quilt, pulling every toy off the shelf. But there are those rare moments when peaceful play between these two can prove to be successful.

For instance... they rigged up their own travel system. Abby happily jumped in the laundry basked while Ella attached the dog's leash to take her on a journey through the home.
Their travels were much easier on the hard-wood floors, and they loudly demanded help once they hit carpet.

At points Abby proved daring and braved the ride standing up. Lets just hope they don't decide to take their travels down the stairs.

3 comments: said...

That is too funny! My girls already play together and at times fight too.

Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

So sweet! I hope Maddie and Fischer will have fun playing together someday. I just remember fighting with my brother all the time.

Scott and Brittany said...

Your girls are so cute. Congrats on another girl! We're so happy for you guys! How's Texas?