Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sisterly Love

Ella and Abbigail love their new little sister Claire. Ella is always asking to hold her and feed her... and sometimes she gets caught picking her up without our help.
Abby loves Claire, too... and holds her all the time, but ususally only for about five seconds so we can never get a picture of it. But... we caught this on camera. Abby likes to play with Claires toys and stuff, and pretend she is a baby. So one day she crawled into Claires bassinette, grabbed grandmas ugly doll... and took a three hour nap with her legs hanging over the end. I love this blonde-haired beauty. (Abby, not the doll.)

1 comment:

Janiel said...

Aw, they are all so cute. And I love that you explained that you loved Abby & not the doll. Too funny!